IGSTK 3.0 Released
February 15, 2008

IGSTK (The Image Guided Surgery Toolkit) developed in collaboration between the ISIS Center at Georgetown University and Kitware released its version 3.0 on February 15. The new release was demonstrated at the SPIE Medical Imaging conference in San Diego, CA.
The IGSTK 3.0 release is available for download from the Kitware Wiki: http://public.kitware.com/IGSTKWIKI/index.php/Download_IGSTK. It is also available through CVS; the tag is IGSTK-3-0. This release includes several miscellaneous bug fixes and the following new features:
- View and Tracker classes refactoring
- QT and FLTK widget classes for graphical user interface
- Support for MicronTracker from Claron Technology
- Surgical Coordinate System support classes