September 19, 2014

On lookers from surrounding buildings might have been wondering what we were all doing outside — gloves, tables covered in white plastic, buckets of liquid, rubber bands??? No we were not getting ready to perform surgery, just making Kitware tie dye t-shirts!
This past Wednesday we held Tie Day Fun Day at Kitware. We all stepped away from our computers and got creative. Countless people asked – "how do you tie dye"? Well the answer is simple, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Sure you can try to make a heart in the middle of your shirt, or a nice spiral but you can also just choose to dip your shirt in the buckets and see what happens. Everyone had a ton of fun, some even surprised themselves with their tie dying talents. The only rule was you had to use blue and green dye — that's right we wanted all the shirts to show our company colors.