Free Webinar: ParaView 5.8 Features

Assisted by Charles Gueunet and Helene Grandmontagne, Mathieu Westphal and Michael Migliore recently taught two free webinar sessions that explored ParaView 5.8 new features. These up-to 1 hour sessions provided a great opportunity for the community of users to follow our explanations and hands-on demonstrations of the new features, as they were able to interact with the presenter via the chat in order to ask questions or precisions.
On March 3, 10am GMT+1, we focused on the new Interface Improvements of ParaView in general, with specifics such as the recent graphic overhaul, interactive data histogram and data exploration using range handles. Sadly it was not recorded.
On march 10, 10am GMT+1, we focused on the new rendering techniques in ParaView, with specifics such as Physically Based Rendering, Raytracing, and advanced GPU based rendering techniques. You can watch it here :
Find all uptodate information here :
We plan to organize new webinar sessions in June. Stay tuned!