The Fifth Annual Workshop on Naval Applications of Machine Learning is the premier annual event showcasing current machine learning research relevant to Naval applications. NAML 2021 is focusing on the dynamics, obstacles, and successes of transitioning machine learning and AI research and preparing these technologies for real-world applications.
Kitware is looking forward to being involved in NAML 2021. We will be giving the following tutorial session. Anyone involved in the defense industry can register to attend here.
VIAME – An Open Source Video Analytics Toolkit for the Maritime Environment
Wednesday, March 24 at 3:30 pm ET
Tutorial Presented by Matt Dawkins, senior R&D engineer at Kitware*
In cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Automated Image Analysis Strategic Initiative, Kitware and its partners have developed Video and Image Analytics for Marine Environments (VIAME). VIAME is an open source computer vision software platform designed for do-it-yourself artificial intelligence. It is an evolving toolkit that contains many workflows used to generate different object detectors, full-frame classifiers, image mosaics, rapid model generation, image and video search, and methods for stereo measurement.
Originally targeting marine species analytics, it now contains many common algorithms and libraries and is also useful as a generic computer vision library outside of underwater images and videos. VIAME is available as a desktop or a web application.
*This tutorial is pre-recorded, but there will be a live Q&A session with Matt.
Physical Event