C++Now 2021 – Kitware Inc C++Now 2021

C++ Now is a virtual gathering of C++ experts and enthusiasts from around the world. Conference attendees can register here.

Kitware was thrilled that Bill Hoffman, co-founder and chief technical officer, was asked to deliver the opening keynote on CMake. For more information


CMake: One Tool to Build Them All

Monday, May 3 from 6:45 – 8:30 am ET

Learn how CMake has grown to take on a vital role in the C++ ecosystem. This opening keynote will describe how CMake is more than just a build system, but a toolchain that transforms C, C++, Fortran, CUDA, and C# code into a final, shippable product. The talk will introduce users to important CMake features that support the seamless building, testing, and deployment of C++ across most computing platforms.

Presented by Bill Hoffman, co-founder, vice president, and chief technical officer at Kitware

Physical Event
