Employees Honored for 10 Years of Dedication

At the annual Holiday Party in December, Kitware honored two employees for their dedication to the company over the past ten years.
Sébastien Barré joined Kitware on September 1, 2001 after completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Poitiers (France). Sébastien’s introduction to Kitware came through VTK as one of the first European contributors to the open-source project. Since joining Kitware, Sébastien has been an invaluable member of the medical imaging and software development teams, and recently has focused on user interface development. He is the primary architect of the company’s internal back-office software, KWiK, a critical component of the daily workflow at Kitware.
Luis Ibáñez joined Kitware on January 29, 2002 and is now a Technical Leader on the medical imaging team. Luis earned his D.E.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Université de Rennes I in France, where he worked on the segmentation of bone structures. He is a staunch supporter of Open Science and Open Culture, and his enthusiasm and dedication have helped build Kitware’s reputation as an open source company. As one of the principal developers of the Insight Toolkit, Luis focuses on community outreach and coordination, which are critical to the success of large-scale open-source projects.
Kitware presented Sébastien and Luis with awards commemorating this career milestone that speaks to their strong commitment to both Kitware and the greater open source development community.