Digital Pathology Work Acknowledged in Best Poster Award at Pathology Visions 2013

At the 2013 Pathology Visions conference in San Antonio, Texas, Kitware’s digital pathology work was recognized in Sharon E. Fox’s poster “Remote Eye-Tracking for Quantitative Assessment of Whole Slide Image Viewing.” Dr. Fox’s poster, which was co-authored by Dr. Charles Law at Kitware Inc. and Dr. Beverly E. Faulkner-Jones at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, won Best Poster by a Resident. Dr. Fox is a resident in the department of pathology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Kitware’s digital pathology work, led by Dr. Law, was leveraged for the client-server digital pathology system and supported fast web-based viewing over standard networks.
The poster details how advanced digital image software can be used to aid pathologists. For the research, Dr. Fox used a Tobii T-120 eye tracker and a client-server digital pathology system to analyze subconscious patterns of gaze and attention as pathologists viewed digital whole slide images (WSI). The patterns help researchers understand how pathologists interact with WSI software, including various interface options, as part of diagnostic decision making process.