The Insight Toolkit (ITK) has become a standard in academia and industry for medical image analysis. This course guides attendees on cutting-edge, advanced methods to utilize ITK in WebAssembly, apply deep learning methods, and extend the toolkit with custom methods through hands-on exercises explained by the toolkit’s authors.


  • Learn how to build ITK WebAssembly processing pipeline and deploy them in language bindings
  • Learn how to use ITK to create end-to-end medical deep learning pipelines with MONAI
  • Learn how to extend the toolkit with models


  • Basic modern C++ programming knowledge


This course is approximately 8 hours, which can be divided into 2 or more sessions.

  • ITK-wasm and Python
  • Machine Learning and ITK
  • Deep Learning with MONAI and ITK
  • Create WebAssembly processing pipelines
  • WebAssembly language bindings
  • Extend the Toolkit with Modules

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