Content of the Week

Check out our featured content of the week!
1. This week, we announced that The ITK Software Guide has been updated and is available on Amazon! For version 4.7, the guide has been divided into two books.
- The ITK Software Guide Book 1: Introduction and Development Guidelines
- The ITK Software Guide Book 2: Design and Functionality
2. We also announced that The ParaView Guide has been updated for version 4.3 and is available on Amazon. Both The ParaView Guide and The ITK Software Guide have moved to a more streamlined publishing process that will allow us to update our titles more frequently (with every release). For customers in Europe, the books are available on Amazon’s sites for Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy. Please see our website for a full list of links.
3. The January edition of The Kitware Source has been published! In addition to Kitware news and recent releases, this issue includes articles on ray-casting and ray-tracing with VTK, Tangelo (a web application development platform, geared primarily toward data analytics and visualization applications), and using VeloView to track a swinging crane load. Read the articles online now!