Come See Us at WACV 2016

We are gearing up to take part in the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)! The conference features plenary speakers from world-class institutions; workshops on wildlife surveillance, and applications in surveillance and transportation; and tutorials on deep learning and domain adaptation. After our active participation in the conference last year, we are excited about the meeting next week and will have a higher level of participation, including Silver Sponsorship for the conference.
If you are attending, look out for the following Computer Vision team members:
Anthony Hoogs is the Senior Director of Computer Vision at Kitware. His is also one of the General Chairs of WACV and a co-organizer of the 2nd Workshop on Automated Analysis of Video Data for Wildlife Surveillance. See him at the workshop on March 10, 2016, and learn how algorithms and tools can be implemented in estimating quantities of various wildlife species.
Matt Turek is the Publicity Chair and the Workshops/Tutorials/Demos Chair of WACV. At the conference, he will also serve as an oral session chair. As the Assistant Director of Computer Vision at Kitware, he has worked on several (DARPA) efforts including Automated Wide-Area Activity Recognition (AWARE), Predictive Analysis for Naval Deployment Activities (PANDA), Building Labeling for Urban Environments (BLUE), and Video and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT).
Arslan Basharat is the Local Arrangements Chair and an oral session chair for the conference. Arlsan joined Kitware in 2009. He is a Technical Lead on the Computer Vision team with research interests in machine learning, video processing, scene modeling, and activity analysis.
Matt Leotta is a Technical Lead on the Computer Vision team at Kitware. On Tuesday, March 8, 2016, he will present the paper “Open Source Structure-from-Motion for Aerial Video.” The presentation will take place during the Oral 2D: Aerial / Mobile session. Matt is an author of the paper along with Eric Smith, Matthew Dawkins, and Paul Tunison.
In addition to attending the activities in which we are involved at WACV, stop by our exhibition, and ask us about our job openings! We have an immediate need for computer vision research interns, a computer vision software developer, and a computer vision researcher. Not only do we foster an energetic work environment built on passion, openness, and empowerment to pursue new ideas, but we offer generous benefits, great perks, and the ability to work with leaders in the field of computer vision.