CMake 3.9.0-rc2 is now ready!
June 7, 2017

I am proud to announce the second CMake 3.9 release candidate.
Documentation is available at:
Release notes appear below and are also published at
Some of the more significant changes in CMake 3.9 are:
- The “add_library()” command “IMPORTED” option learned to support
Object Libraries. - All “find_” commands now have a “PACKAGE_ROOT” search path group
that is first in the search heuristics. If a “find_” command is
called from inside a find module, then the CMake variable and
environment variable named “_ROOT” are used as prefixes
and are the first set of paths to be searched. - The “install(TARGETS)” command learned a new “OBJECTS” option to
specify where to install Object Libraries. - The “install(EXPORT)” command learned how to export Object
Libraries. - A “BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR” target property and corresponding
“CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR” variable were added to control
whether to use the “INSTALL_NAME_DIR” target property value for
binaries in the build tree. This is for macOS “install_name” as
“BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH” is for “RPATH”. - A “CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION” target property was added to Object
Libraries to support compiling to “.ptx” files instead of host
object files. - A new “GoogleTest” module was added to provide the
“gtest_add_tests()” function independently of the “FindGTest”
module. The function was also updated to support keyword arguments,
with functionality expanded to allow a test name prefix and suffix
to be specified, the dependency on the source files to be optional
and the list of discovered test cases to be returned to the caller. - The “Ninja” generator has loosened the dependencies of object
compilation. Object compilation now depends only on custom targets
and custom commands associated with libraries on which the object’s
target depends and no longer depends on the libraries themselves.
Source files in dependent targets may now compile without waiting
for their targets’ dependencies to link. - Interprocedural optimization (IPO) is now supported for GNU and
Clang compilers using link time optimization (LTO) flags. See the
“CheckIPOSupported” module. - The “TARGET_OBJECTS” “generator expression” is now supported by
the “add_custom_command()” and “file(GENERATE)” commands.
CMake 3.9 Release Notes
Changes made since CMake 3.8 include the following.
New Features
* "CUDA" is now supported by the Visual Studio Generators for VS
2010 and above. This complements the existing support by the
Makefile Generators and the "Ninja" generator.
* Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above learned to support
the "ASM_NASM" language when "nasm" is installed.
* The "Xcode" generator learned to create Xcode schema files. This
is an experimental feature and can be activated by setting the
"CMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME" variable to a "TRUE" value.
* The "add_library()" command "IMPORTED" option learned to support
Object Libraries.
* All "find_" commands now have a "PACKAGE_ROOT" search path group
that is first in the search heuristics. If a "find_" command is
called from inside a find module, then the CMake variable and
environment variable named "<PackageName>_ROOT" are used as prefixes
and are the first set of paths to be searched.
* The "find_library()" command learned to search "libx32" paths when
the build targets the "x32" ABI. See the
"FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS" global property.
* The "include_external_msproject()" command learned to use the
"MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>" target property to map current
configurations to the external configurations.
* The "install(TARGETS)" command learned a new "OBJECTS" option to
specify where to install Object Libraries.
* The "install(EXPORT)" command learned how to export Object
* The "project()" command learned an optional "DESCRIPTION"
parameter to set the "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION" variable.
* The "separate_arguments()" command gained a "NATIVE_COMMAND" mode
that performs argument separation depending on the host operating
* A "CMAKE_AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS" variable was introduced to allow
"CMAKE_AUTOMOC" to extract additional dependency file names for
"moc" from the contents of source files.
* A "CMAKE_AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS" variable was introduced to allow
"CMAKE_AUTOUIC" to search for "foo.ui" in more places than the
vicinity of the file including "ui_foo.h".
* A "CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_CUSTOM_LIB_SUFFIX" variable was added to
tell the "find_library()" command to search in a "lib<suffix>"
directory before each "lib" directory that would normally be
initialize the "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION" property on all
* A "CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_AR" variable was added to hold the path
to the GCC/Clang wrapper of "ar".
* A "CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_RANLIB" variable was added to hold the
path to the GCC/Clang wrapper of "ranlib".
were added to use separate sysroots for compiling and linking.
* A new "AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR" target property was introduced to set a
custom output directory for "AUTOMOC", "AUTOUIC", and "AUTORCC".
* A new "AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS" target property was introduced to
allow "AUTOMOC" to extract additional dependency file names for
"moc" from the contents of source files.
* A new "AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS" target property was introduced to
allow "AUTOUIC" to search for "foo.ui" in more places than the
vicinity of the file including "ui_foo.h".
and "AUTORCC_SOURCE_GROUP" were introduced to allow files generated
by "AUTOMOC" or "AUTORCC" to be placed in a "source_group()".
* A "BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR" target property and corresponding
"CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_NAME_DIR" variable were added to control
whether to use the "INSTALL_NAME_DIR" target property value for
binaries in the build tree. This is for macOS "install_name" as
* A "CUDA_PTX_COMPILATION" target property was added to Object
Libraries to support compiling to ".ptx" files instead of host
object files.
* A "GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG" global property was added to
determine whether the current generator is a multi-configuration
generator (such as Visual Studio Generators or "Xcode").
* The "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION" target property is now enforced
when enabled. CMake will add IPO flags unconditionally or produce
an error if it does not know the flags for the current compiler. The
project is now responsible to use the "CheckIPOSupported" module to
check for IPO support before enabling the target property. See
policy "CMP0069".
* The "WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS" target property may now be used
in combination with explicit ".def" files in order to export all
symbols from the object files within a target plus an explicit list
of symbols that the linker finds in dependencies (e.g.
* A "CheckIPOSupported" module was added to help projects check
whether interprocedural optimization (IPO) is supported by the
current toolchain and CMake version.
* The "CMakeFindDependencyMacro" module "find_dependency" macro now
forwards all arguments to the underlying "find_package()" call.
Existing uses will continue to function as before, but callers can
now access the full suite of arguments that "find_package" accepts.
* The "FeatureSummary" module "feature_summary()" command now
accepts the new "DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION" option that will print the
default title for the selected package type.
* The "FeatureSummary" module gained a new
"FeatureSummary_<TYPE>_DESCRIPTION" variable that can be defined for
each "<TYPE>" to replace the type name with the specified string
whenever the package type is used in an output string by the module.
* The "FindDoxygen" module learned to control Doxygen behavior using
CMake variables and generate documentation via the newly added
"doxygen_add_docs()" function. The Doxygen input file ("Doxyfile")
is automatically generated and doxygen is run as part of a custom
target. Additional components can be specified to find optional
tools: "dot", "mscgen" and "dia".
* The "FindMPI" module now provides imported targets.
* The "FindProtobuf" module "protobuf_generate_cpp()" command gained
an "EXPORT_MACRO" option to specify the name of a DLL export markup
* The "FindProtobuf" module now supports usage of static libraries
for Unix via a new "Protobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS" input variable.
* The "FindProtobuf" module now provides imported targets when the
libraries are found.
* A new "GoogleTest" module was added to provide the
"gtest_add_tests()" function independently of the "FindGTest"
module. The function was also updated to support keyword arguments,
with functionality expanded to allow a test name prefix and suffix
to be specified, the dependency on the source files to be optional
and the list of discovered test cases to be returned to the caller.
* The "ctest_submit()" command gained a "HTTPHEADER" option to
specify custom headers to send during submission.
* The "ctest(1)" executable gained new options which allow the
developer to disable automatically adding tests to the test set to
satisfy fixture dependencies. "-FS" prevents adding setup tests for
fixtures matching the provided regular expression, "-FC" prevents
adding cleanup tests for matching fixtures and "-FA" prevents adding
any test for matching fixtures.
* A "DISABLED" test property was added to mark tests that are
configured but explicitly disabled so they do not run.
* The "CPackArchive" module learned to modify the filename per-
component. See the "CPACK_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME" variable and its per-
component version "CPACK_ARCHIVE_<component>_FILE_NAME".
* The "CPackComponent" module "cpack_add_component()" command gained
a new "PLIST <filename>" option to specify the "pkgbuild" "--
component-plist" argument when using the "productbuild" generator.
* The "CPackIFW" module "cpack_ifw_configure_component()" and
"cpack_ifw_configure_component_group()" commands gained
internationalization support for "DISPLAY_NAME" and "DESCRIPTION"
* The "CPackIFW" module learned the new hint "CPACK_IFW_ROOT"
variable for finding the QtIFW tool suite installed in a non-
standard place.
* The "CPackProductBuild" module gained a new
"CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_RESOURCES_DIR" variable to specify resources to
be copied into the "Resources" directory.
* The "CPackRPM" module learned to modify the "debuginfo" package
name. See the "CPACK_RPM_DEBUGINFO_FILE_NAME" variable.
* The "CPackWIX" module patching system now has the ability to set
additional attributes. This can be done by specifying attributes
with the "CPackWiXFragment" XML tag after the "Id" attribute. See
the "CPACK_WIX_PATCH_FILE" variable.
* The CPack WIX generator implemented a new
"CPACK_WIX_ROOT_FOLDER_ID" variable which allows using a custom root
folder ID instead of the default "ProgramFilesFolder" /
* Interprocedural optimization (IPO) is now supported for GNU and
Clang compilers using link time optimization (LTO) flags. See the
"CheckIPOSupported" module.
* The "TARGET_OBJECTS" "generator expression" is now supported by
the "add_custom_command()" and "file(GENERATE)" commands.
* Two new informational generator expressions to retrieve Apple
Bundle directories have been added. The first one
"$<TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR:tgt>" outputs the full path to the Bundle
directory, the other one "$<TARGET_BUNDLE_CONTENT_DIR:tgt>" outputs
the full path to the "Contents" directory of macOS Bundles and App
Bundles. For all other bundle types and SDKs it is identical with
"$<TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR:tgt>". The new expressions are helpful to query
Bundle locations independent of the different Bundle types and
layouts on macOS and iOS.
Deprecated and Removed Features
* An explicit deprecation diagnostic was added for policies
"CMP0036" and below. The "cmake-policies(7)" manual explains that
the OLD behaviors of all policies are deprecated and that projects
should always port to the NEW behaviors as soon as possible.
* The "Visual Studio 8 2005" generator is now deprecated and will be
removed in a future version of CMake.
* The "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003" generator has been removed.
* The "Xcode" generator dropped support for Xcode versions older
than 3.
* The "FindDoxygen" module has deprecated several variables.
* The version of curl bundled with CMake no longer accepts URLs of
the form "file://c:/..." on Windows due to a change in upstream curl
7.52. Use the form "file:///c:/..." instead to work on all
Other Changes
* When using "AUTOMOC", CMake now scans for the presence of the
"Q_PLUGIN_METADATA" macro and reruns moc when the file from the
macro's "FILE" argument changes.
* When "AUTOMOC" detects an include statement of the form "#include
"moc_<basename>.cpp"" the search for the respective header file now
looks in the "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES" of the target as well.
* When running tests, CTest learned to treat skipped tests (using
the "SKIP_RETURN_CODE" property) the same as tests with the new
"DISABLED" property. Due to this change, CTest will not indicate
failure when all tests are either skipped or pass.
* The "Ninja" generator has loosened the dependencies of object
compilation. Object compilation now depends only on custom targets
and custom commands associated with libraries on which the object's
target depends and no longer depends on the libraries themselves.
Source files in dependent targets may now compile without waiting
for their targets' dependencies to link.
* On macOS, the default application bundle "Info.plist" file now
enables Hi-DPI support.
* On macOS, "RPATH" settings such as "BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH" no
longer affect the "install_name" field. See policy "CMP0068".
Changes made since CMake 3.9.0-rc1:
Brad King (2):
Autogen: Do not use per-config file suffixes with VS yet
CMake 3.9.0-rc2
Konstantin Podsvirov (1):
FindDoxygen: Restore DOXYGEN_DOT_FOUND variable
Matthew Woehlke (1):
Help: Add 3.9 release note about find_dependency update
Walter Gray (1):
C++ feature checks: Do not match "0 Warning(s)" as a warning