CMake 2.8.5 Released

Kitware is pleased to announce the release of CMake 2.8.5. Particularly notable about this release is the number of individuals around the world who contributed code; 33 individuals added changes that have been incorporated into the CMake 2.8.5 release. By using a git workflow we are able to preserve the author in commit objects, even if pushed or applied by another contributor, enabling us to measure the number of contributors.
Additionally, there are new features in the release, such as the ProcessorCount module that provides a CMake language-based way to retrieve the number of processors usable for parallel building or testing. The CheckPrototypeDefinition module allows users to check if an exact function signature definition is available.
For the full list of changes and updates, the change log is available here and the release is available for download on the CMake website.
If you are interested in further information about CMake or in services around CMake, such as support, consulting, or training please contact us at or (518) 371-3971.