CMake 2.6 Released
July 10, 2008

CMake 2.6 is the first major release of CMake since 2.4 was released in May 2006. A brief list of the significant new features and bug fixes is provided below. In addition, an article on the CMake 2.6 release is included in the July edition of the Kitware Source.
- Introduction of the cmake_policy command
- New cross platform Qt-based GUI
- Improved Fortran Support
- Mac OSX Framework creation support
- Project generators for Eclipse and CodeBlocks
- Bullseye coverage support
- Uses full paths for linking, and no longer separates into –L and –l CPack supports .deb and rpm creation
- Cross compilation support
- Enhanced find_package that can find project installed FooConfig.cmake files
- New CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to specify user search directories for find_xxx
- Automatic project reload of project in Visual Studio 7 and greater if cmake is re-run because a CMakeLists.txt file is out of date.
- Improved online and built-in documentation including the documentation of CMake variables.
- Ability to change rpath during install instead of relinking
- Ability to import/export targets from a project
- Added functions with local scope variables
- Added return, break, and PARENT_SCOPE to set