CMake 2.4.8 Released
April 1, 2008

In January 2008, Kitware released CMake 2.4.8. This is expected to be the last CMake release in the 2.4.X branch. 2.4.8 has many bug fixes over 2.4.7. Some highlights are:
- Visual Studio 9 support
- CMakeSetup.exe works with Windows Vista with no elevation of permissions.
- Improved FindQt4
- Fixes to FindPkgConfig
- Allow NODEFAULTLIBS to have more than one value
- Suppress regeneration of makefiles during try compile avoid infinite. Loop in trycompile with some VS 2005 builds.
- Allow for debug libraries in InstallRequiredSystemLibraries. cmake for vs8
- Fix for cpack and messing up PATH with NSIS
- Fix for exception handling flags in VS 2003 and up
- Fix for kde4-config location
- Fix for self extracting .sh files on solaris
- Fix for version numbers on NetBSD
- Add more search directories (install prefix and cmake location)
- Include WindowsPaths in Windows.cmake not just Windows-cl.cmake
- Make #cmakedefine output match autoconf when undefined
- Add support for DragonFly and GNU hurd
For a full list of features and bug fixes, see the announcement in the CMake mailing list archives.