ClimatePipes: User-Friendly Data Access, Manipulation, Analysis & Visualization of Community Climate Models and Geospatial Datasets

Recently, we (Kitware & NYU Poly) presented ClimatePipes at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013 and received very positive feedback from the community. The overarching goals of ClimatePipes are:
– Enable users to explore real-world questions related to climate change.
– Provide open source tools for data access, analysis, and visualization.
– Facilitate collaboration by enabling users to share datasets, workflows, and visualization.
ClimatePipes uses a web-based application platform for its widespread support on mainstream operating systems, ease-of-use, and inherent collaboration support. The front-end of ClimatePipes uses HTML5 (WebGL, Canvas2D, CSS3) to deliver state-of-the-art visualization and to provide a best-in-class user experience. The back-end of the ClimatePipes is built around Python using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK,, Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT,, and other climate and geospatial data processing tools such as GDAL and PROJ4. As part of the ClimatePipes project we have developed VGL (WebGL based renderer), GeoJS (Geo-visualization library), and PyGeo (Data processing and compute backend in python for geosciences).
Here’s a video that highlights some of the features of ClimatePipes:
Here is the link to the project repository on github:
As always, we are open for suggestions and ideas for improvements and welcome any contributions from the community.
Project Team: Berk Geveci, Aashish Chaudhary, Dave DeMarle, Chris Harris (Kitware); Claudio Silva, Ben Burnett, Daniel Kohler Osmari, Darshan Pandit (NYU Poly)
* ClimatePipes is funded by Department of Energy (DE-SC0006493).