CDash 1.0 Released
July 10, 2008

CDash the open-source, web-based software testing server has had its first official release. CDash aggregates, analyzes and displays the results of software testing processes submitted from clients located around the world, conveying the state of a software system to continually improve its quality. We have transitioned almost all Kitware software projects to CDash at this point; the database for the public Kitware
Open Source projects is about 20GB and at this point is very reliable and stable.
The 1.0 release adds the following features:
- CDash automatically detects when the timing for a test has slowed down significantly
- The number of nightly changes is now displayed on the main project page
- Ability to mark compile warnings, compile errors and test failures with “fix in progress” or “fixed”
- CTest 2.6 timestamp information is used when available
- Support was added for different cvs/svn web viewers including Fisheye
- Ability to remove builds that are not valid
- Upload a cvs/svn user name and email address list to CDash allowing projects to quickly setup all developers
- Output from tests and coverage tests are compressed in the database by only
- storing unique information
- Sort by any column on the viewTest and testSummary pages
- Build group links only appear when the mouse is on a build group
- Clicking on a header for a build group displays a help dialog