Cardboard – DIY Virtual Reality

Google engineers recently came up with a clever trick to convert your Android phone into a portable Virtual Reality device, using mostly ordinary Cardboard.
The project is hosted at:
It is a do-it-yourself kit, that build a box around your phone, and uses two lenses (one for each eye) to help you focus on a close screen. Then, taking advantage of the very high resolution of modern phones, it splits the screen to generate a "left" view and a "right" view, as configured traditionally for stereovision.
The Virtual Reality software Kit also provides support to use data from the sensors built-in the phone, and to take the spatial orientation of the phone into account when generating the stereo images. For example moving the image as you move your head.
The origins:
David Coz and Damien Henry at the Google Cultural Institute in Paris built a cardboard smartphone housing to prototype VR experiences as part of a 20% project. The results elicited so many oohs and ahs that they inspired a larger group to work on an experimental SDK.
Instructions on how to assemble the Carboard hardware are available here
and a Tutorial, for you to build your own is available here
Lesson learned: leaving empty Pizza boxes close to Engineers may have unintended consequences…
For those who haven’t gotten a chance to check it out, is a very reliable service that sells pre-cut products as well as kits to create your own virtual reality. Don’t miss out!