Call for Presentations Still Open for SUNY Open Source Festival 2015

Open Source Festival (OSF), presented by the University at Albany student chapter of the Association for Information Science and Technology (assis&t), will take place on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The event will be held in the Campus Center Ballroom (Uptown Campus).
This year, the format of the festival will differ from previous years in that presenters will be stationed throughout the ballroom, where they will interact with small groups of audience members.
If you are interesting in presenting at OSF, please see the attached call for submissions. Please note that presenters can reserve stations for any length of time. Also note that, while the due date for proposals is listed as February 28, the call for submissions is still open!
For a recap of last year’s festival, please read our blog post.
The program for the festival is now available at