Bill Hoffman Interviewed on FLOSS Weekly

In the beginning of March, I was interviewed for the podcast FLOSS Weekley. The actual podcast came out on Saturday March 6th. The “taping” of the show was broadcast live on I used my laptop, a video camera and Skype for the interview. There was also a chat room on during the interview. So, I had the normal Skype windows, a chat room, and the live video stream all running on my machine at the same time. In addition, I told all of Kitware about the interview, as a result, my bandwidth was killed by one of those things. After the show I noticed that the interviewers tried to tell me to shut down the live tv to help the bandwidth. It was very hard to watch all those windows and answer questions, so I pretty much just answered questions… Fortunately, all that really mattered was the audio part of the interview. The fact the the video froze and it looked like I was one of those on site reporters at a war zone, did not really affect the audio for the pod cast. Anyway, the interview went well, and should be a good introduction to anyone new to CMake, or a current CMake user that wanted to hear some history, and hear some future plans.
Thanks to Randal Schwartz for a nice interview, and if you missed the show, it was show 111 and can be found here: