Barry Ravichandran

Senior R&D Engineer

Computer Vision

Kitware Remote

M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University

B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering
Anna University, College of Engineering, Guindy

Bharadwaj Ravichandran

Bharadwaj “Barry” Ravichandran is an R&D engineer who works remotely for Kitware’s Computer Vision Team. His responsibilities include applying state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to understand and discover unique attributes across different data streams.

Barry was also an R&D intern at Kitware, where he was part of the annotation team. Through this internship, he learned a lot about Kitware’s work and learning culture. He worked closely with Keith Fieldhouse, director of cyber-physical systems at Kitware, and Roddy Collins, Ph.D. and principal engineer at Kitware. They were great mentors and helped him apply his knowledge and skillset to his projects.

Prior to joining Kitware, Barry worked as a research assistant at The Pennsylvania State University’s Laboratory for Perception, Action and Cognition (LPAC). His research focused on building an end-to-end system that could predict human foot pressure from human pose joints. The predicted foot pressure could then be used to quantitatively measure human stability through stability-relevant components such as Center of Pressure (CoP) and Base of Support (BoS).

Barry received his master’s degree in computer science and engineering from The Pennsylvania State University.


  1. B. Ravichandran, R. Collins, K. Fieldhouse, K. Corona, and A. Hoogs, "From Leaderboard To Operations: DIVA Transition Experiences," in 2022 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW), 2022. [URL]
  2. J. Scott, B. Ravichandran, C. Funk, R. Collins, and Y. Liu, "From Image to Stability: Learning Dynamics from Human Pose," in European Conference on Computer Vision 2020, 2020.

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