Avogadro 1.91 Released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Avogadro 1.91 (GitHub release page) as we prepare for our our final 2.0 release. It is part of our Open Chemistry project, and contains a number of updates from our community including many contributions from our Google Summer of Code student this year.
We will be holding our first user meeting in Pittsburgh, PA this weekend hosted at the University of Pittsburgh by Geoff Hutchison. We are celebrating over one million downloads of Avogadro, and over 1,600 citations to the Avogadro paper! Avogadro is being used in more places than ever, including on servers that power some of our new work on the web. We are looking forward to meeting people from our community this weekend.
There have been a huge number of updates in Avogadro since our last release, and more are planned. Please download our latest release, let us know what you think, and get in touch if you want to know more. Lots of improvements to animation, dynamics, and creating movies on demand. We plan on releasing more frequently in the coming months, and iterating on getting to a feature complete release.
As a teaser things like volume rendering are working in a very alpha state that wasn’t merged before release, as our some new sculpting capabilities (optimize the geometry as it is edited).