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Data to Life
Kitware can help you save time and money with efficient simulation workflows that deliver actionable results.
Let’s talk about how we can partner with you.
Based on years of experience, Kitware can streamline your process. Our simulation solutions can be created quickly and are easy to maintain. We design simulation workflows that run efficiently by incorporating the latest technical advancements and best practices.
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Kitware can help you produce eye-catching visualizations that are easy to interpret.
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Visualizing occluded geometry
Here ParaView is being used to display an “X-Ray” like view of a simulation involving a car impacting a wall.
For more information please check out the blog.
Model from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Center for Collision Safety and Analysis (CCSA) at the George Mason University (GMU), simulated with Altair OpenRadioss using CIQ guidelines.
Analyzing airflow around a race car
Here airflow is being visualized using the built-in streamline functionality found in ParaView.
Image courtesy of Renato N. Elias, Associate Researcher at the CFD Group from NACAD/COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Automotive acoustics simulation post-processed using ParaView
Computational Acoustics is a critical tool in the automotive industry. It enables the simulation of sound fields in complex environments which is essential for noise reduction and enhancing sound quality.
This shows the results of the simulation using multiple contour surfaces of the acoustic wave along with the original car geometry. All rendered using ParaView’s ray-tracing capabilities. For more information please check out the blog.
Simulation by Undabit. undabit.com
Viewing geometry from an automotive acoustics simulation using ParaView
Computational Acoustics is a critical tool in the automotive industry. It enables the simulation of sound fields in complex environments which is essential for noise reduction and enhancing sound quality.
This shows the car geometry used in the simulation being rendered in ParaView as well as the advantages of adding material properties to its geometry making it more closely resemble its physical counterpart.
For more information please check out the blog.
Simulation by Undabit. undabit.com
Visualizing automotive acoustics simulation results using ParaView
Computational Acoustics is a critical tool in the automotive industry. It enables the simulation of sound fields in complex environments which is essential for noise reduction and enhancing sound quality.
Top Left: Results of the acoustics simulation for a 408Hz mode visualized in ParaView. By default, ParaView shows the boundary surface of the volumetric field as shown in the first image.
Top Right: Detailed structures are revealed by extracting and visualizing 10 isocontour surfaces
Bottom: A different colormap enhances separability of data values in the isocontour surfaces, and tailoring material properties applies a desired visual effect to the simulation results. .
For more information please check out the blog.
Simulation by Undabit. undabit.com
Visualizing fluid flow using ParaView
The results are from a nanoFluidX simulation of a fluid flowing around moving gears.
NanoFluidX is a particle-based fluid simulation tool from Altair.
Image courtesy of Altair.
Battery impact visualization with ParaView
ParaView OSPRay rendered view of the internal geometry of the battery model with impactor for a 20-cell lithium-ion battery module
Image courtesy of the National Renewal Energy Laboratory.
Visualizing fluid flow using ParaView
The results are from a nanoFluidX simulation of a fluid flowing around moving gears.
NanoFluidX is a particle-based fluid simulation tool from Altair.
Image courtesy of Altair.
Visualizing instantaneous splashing of oil in a gearbox
The results are from a nanoFluidX simulation of oil splashing around moving gears.
NanoFluidX is a particle-based fluid simulation tool from Altair.
Image courtesy of Altair.
Visualizing the results of a car collision simulation
This animation shows ParaView being used to quantify displacements of the car’s geometry as well as ParaView’s ray-tracing capabilities.
Model from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Center for Collision Safety and Analysis (CCSA) at the George Mason University (GMU), simulated with Altair OpenRadioss using CIQ guidelines.
ParaView visualization of fuel sloshing in a gas tank
Fuel sloshing under acceleration. Color shows velocity. The graph shows transient force magnitude on the fuel tank.
Simulation and visualization courtesy of Flow Science, Inc..
Visualizing injection modeling simulation using ParaView
Injection molding simulation of a ‘dogbone’ test specimen with openInjModlSim solver for OpenGOAM. The figure is filled with a melt polymer using a CFD approach. In the video, you can see (from top to bottom) the polymer shear rate to evaluate any possible degradation region, the temperature of both the melt polymer and air inside the cavity, and the polymer flow and pressure.
Simulation courtesy of ARGO srl in Italy
Kitware’s ParaView driving a Looking Glass display
ParaView supports 3D display technologies, such as devices from Looking Glass Factory, to help researchers studying computational fluid dynamics around complex structures like automobiles. Several people can gather around a Looking Glass and see the same 3D scene from different perspectives, without having to put on a headset.
Gain new insights into your data: ParaView and holographic displays
Looking Glass Factory Expands Reach into R&D Labs with New Holographic Kitware Integrations
BMW X5 in augmented reality: virtual wind tunnel & aerodynamics
This video shows a BMW X5 External Aerodynamics (Virtual Wind Tunnel) at 90 km/hr in Augmented Reality. Turbulence (Lambda2 iso-surface, streamlines and cross-sections) are contoured by velocity. Special attention has been given to the reflection of the virtual content on the real mirrors.
The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Simulation was done with OpenFOAM in Augmented Reality (AR). The CFD results were post-processed with Paraview and Blender. ARCore SDK and Unity3D were then used to visualize the results in AR.

You won’t have to worry about licensing fees and restrictions
You will have full access to the code, no strings attached. And you will have the option to contribute the new code back to the open source community or keep it proprietary.
Our solutions can be integrated with the latest tools and software, no matter what entities they originate from.
Our simulations can be deployed anywhere, including on HPC systems, desktops, the Web, and Jupyter.
Data can be imported into our simulation tools in any format. We leverage parallel computing for large datasets and can help free up data storage through compressed data formats.

Kitware has a long history of developing state-of-the-art visualization and data analysis tools. And we have decades of experience partnering with organizations to deliver innovative technology. Our team of experts knows how to successfully collaborate with you to ensure the simulation solutions are exactly what you need today, with the ability to evolve for tomorrow.
As an extension of your team, Kitware can:
- Work with your team to ensure we understand your needs and goals.
- Create workflows and software infrastructure that meet your specific requirements.
- Perform as much of the work as you need depending on the scope of the project and your in-house capabilities.
Kitware will provide support every step of the way.
- Custom training so you can confidently use and maintain the simulation tools and/or workflows.
- Ongoing support to ensure everything continues to work in the future.
- Assist with tasks such as cross-platform packaging, testing, and continuous integration.
For more information about partnering with Kitware, contact our team.
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