Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) @ MICCAI 2021: Call for Papers and Live Demonstrations

Kitware is helping to organize the Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) workshop at the 24th annual international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). This workshop will bring together the MICCAI research community to explore the next generation of medical ultrasound methods and systems. We envisage a future for ultrasound that combines advances both in medical computing and computer-assisted intervention for this uniquely operator-driven, real-time modality.
The full day ASMUS workshop will take place on 27th September 2021 and include live practical technology demonstrations, paper presentations, Q&A sessions, and keynote talks. Papers and live demonstration proposals must be submitted by 25th June 2021. Topics of interest include:
- Ultrasound acquisition with robotic (automated) assistance
- Machine learning methods in ultrasound analysis and guidance
- Ultrasound quality and skills assessment
- Augmented and virtual reality enhancements for ultrasound applications
- Ultrasound integration with other devices, e.g. positional and eye tracking
- Ultrasound integration with clinical imaging, e.g. camera videos, CT, MR, fluorescence
- Different modes of ultrasound acquisition, e.g. photoacoustic, Doppler, functional ultrasound, tissue quantification
- Ultrasound applications involving global healthcare, operator training, POCUS, surgical assistance, continuous monitoring, and more.
Workshop Chairs
– Alison Noble (Co-chair, University of Oxford, UK)
– Stephen Aylward (Co-chair, Kitware, USA)
For more information, visit the ASMUS website: