Alexander Lynch

R&D Engineer

Computer Vision

Kitware DC
Arlington, VA

M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alex Lynch is an R&D engineer on Kitware’s Computer Vision (CV) Team located in Carrboro, North Carolina. He works as a software developer on a variety of CV projects. His responsibilities include creating visualizations and helping to improve project systems. One such project that he has been extensively involved in is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) -funded URSA project.

Prior to joining Kitware, Alex worked at Amazon as a software engineering intern for the Alexa project on the audio to text team. He also interned for IMDEA Networks doing research exploring meta-learning techniques and was an artificial intelligence intern at plus helping to develop a more sympathetic sounding voice assistant.

Alex received his Master of Engineering degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2020. In 2019, he received his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science, also from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


  1. B. Hu, B. RichardWebster, P. Tunison, E. Veenhuis, B. Ravichandran, A. Lynch, S. Crowell, A. Genova, V. Bolea, S. Jourdain, and A. Whitesell, "NRTK: an open source natural robustness toolkit for the evaluation of computer vision models," in Assurance and Security for AI-enabled Systems, 2024. [URL]
  2. A. Hoogs, A. Lynch, S. Brockman, C. Funk, B. Ravichandran, and M. Dawkins, "Creating Deep Learning Detectors in VIAME for Rare Objects in Marine Imagery," in 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting Poster, 2024. [URL]
  3. D. Davila, J. VanPelt, A. Lynch, A. Romlein, P. Webley, and M. Brown, "ADAPT: An Open-Source sUAS Payload for Real-Time Disaster Prediction and Response with AI," in Workshop on Practical Deep Learning in the Wild, 2022. [URL]
  4. M. Brown, K. Fieldhouse, A. Romlein, D. Davila, E. Borovikov, A. Lynch, and A. Hoogs, "Person Tracking, Re-identification, and Threat Detection by Autonomous Unmanned Systems within Complex Urban Environments," in Proceedings of the MSS National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion, 2021.

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