A Comprehensive Collection of vxJourney VistA Webinars

Recently Fabian Lopez of DSS Inc. shared this comprehensive list of VistA-related webinars with the OSEHRA education group. If you’ve been meaning to get acquainted with the VistA electronic health record, this compilation will make it easy! All links here are reposted with permission – thanks Fabian!
A Sieve is not only for the Kitchen: Sifting data to find the hidden gems, Jean Snead
A SkyHigh Overview of vxCPRS, Alisha Howell
ad hoc Workflow, Roberto Dominguez
Advanced Document Scanning with ISI Capture 2, Stuart Frank
Agile Development Techniques and Winning the VISTA Extensions Challenge!, John Stenbeck
Agile VistA Development using EWD, Rob Tweed
Are you Ready for the ICD 10’s in imaging?, Katherine Gray-Kristi Emerson
Bridging the Public and Private Sector OS Activities, Seong K. Mun
Building Order sets – the Basics, Jeanette Klement
Building Templates That Store Responses As Data, Charles Boyer
Clinical Reminder Basics, Charles Boyer
Collaboration Tools: Proposing new ideas and tracking bugs on the Extension Hub, Fabian Lopez
Creating Clinical Content in VistA for Inpatient Mental Health, Matthew King
Discussion of the original Vista MailMan messaging architecture, Tom Munnecke
DSS Patient Search Tool Extension, Kevin Wright
E Pluribus Unum: Strategies for multi-site, multi-division VISTA, Rick Marshall
EWD based PIMS for VistA, Rohit Kumar
EWD Development and VistA, David Wicksell-Zack Gonzales
FMQL – the FileMan Query Language, Conor Dowling
GT.M binding to Ruby, Luis Ibanez
GT.M interface to NodeJS, Luis Ibanez
GT.M interface to Python, Luis Ibanez
GT.M port to ARM processors, Luis Ibanez
How Medications are Administered in Clinic, Marvin Friedman-Jeanette Klement
How to design an interface for VistA, using EWD and ExtJS, David Wicksell
How To For Nurses – Entering Telephone and or Verbal orders, Jeanette Klement
How To for Nurses: BCMA – Missing Dose Request, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
How To For Prescribers_ Entering Complex Medication Orders, Jeanette Klement
How to for Providers – Medication Orders, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
Implementation of VistA at JPNATC, Rohit Kumar
Installing vxVistA on Cache, Fabian Lopez
Installing vxVistA on Intersystems Cache, James D. Keith
Integration in VISTA’s Architecture (VistA Architecture Part 2), Rick Marshall
Intravenous (IV) Medication Ordering Process for Prescribers, xxxxx
Introducing MUMPS (2011), Greg Kreis
Introducing The VistA Extension Hub, Fabian Lopez
Introducing VistA, Cyndi Shields
Introduction to VISTA Architecture, Rick Marshall
ISI Imaging for Open Source VistA, Stuart Frank-Roger Coney
ISI Imaging Overview, Stuart Frank
ISI Rad for Open Source VistA, John Christensen-Stuart Frank
ISI RadTech Tool – a GUI alternative to Roll & Scroll for Radiology Technologists, Stuart Frank
IV Piggyback, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
Need a Release of Information Solution which is HIPAA Compliant?, Jeanette Klement
Need a Scanning Solution?, Jeanette Klement
Notifying parties electronically about anticipated discharges, Charles Boyer
On-Demand Floor Stock Medication Ordering, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
Open Source Community Support and The VistA Extensions Hub, Fabian Lopez
Open Source EHR – 5 Ways They Advance Meaningful Use Goals, Ron Byers
Order Dialogs, process, process, process, David Howard
OSCON 2010 – vxVistA.org Presentation, James D. Keith-Hugh Creedon
OSEHRA Development Environment, Luis Ibanez
OSEHRA Overview and Triple Helix (Academic, Industry, Government) Touchpoints, Conrad Clyburn
OSEHRA Revision Control with Git, Luis Ibanez
Outpatient Medication Ordering Process for Prescribers, xxxxx
Over-the-Counter Herbal Medications from Elsewhere, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
Presenting Axiom (M Tool), David Wicksell
Presenting OSEHRA – The VistA Open Source Custodial Agent, Seong K. Mun-Mike O’Neill
Presenting vxVistA.org (2010), xxxxx
Privacy Frameworks for VISTA, Rick Marshall
Quality and Meaningful Use Reporting, George Lilly
RadWise Clinical Decision Support, Katherine Gray-Kristi Emerson
Rethinking the Universal Health Exchange Language, Tom Munnecke
Save Time & Money with Tempo, Fabian Lopez
Sending a notification (alert) to a team related to some event (such as a fall), Charles Boyer
SQL Connections and Reporting in vxVistA – Meaningful Use and Beyond, James D. Keith
Streamlining the Medication Ordering Process for Prescribers, Jeanette Klement-Marvin Friedman
Sustainable business models for open source projects, Roger Maduro
The VistA Extensions Hub – (VCM, January 2012), Fabian Lopez
Using Fileman parameters to eliminate unintended wrapping in Fileman reports, Charles Boyer
Using the VistA EHR in Outpatient Clinics, Anna Joseph Nikhil
VistA – the most expressive EHR today, Conor Dowling
VistA Analytics, Conor Dowling
Vista as a Teaching tool in Health Informatics, Alberto Odor
VistA CPRS Templates + Dragon Medical Speech Recognition = The Best of Both Worlds, Wayne Kanieswski
VistA Foundations(2011), Greg Kreis
VistACom and Continuity of Care Record (CCR), George Lilly
vxBCMA Open Source module, Deanne Clark
vxCPRS – Open Source Module, Deanne Clark
vxCPRS – Streamline the documentation process, Jeanette Klement
vxDocManager, an EHR scanning solution, Eddie Brito
vxGroup Notes, Jeanette Klement
vxGroup Notes(2011), Jeanette Klement
vxROI – vxCertified Module, Deanne Clark-Martinez Lisa
vxROI, releasing information on request, Eddie Brito
vxVistA Extensions (vxClinical Note Templates & vxMHS), Kevin Guiles
vxVistA Installation on Cache (2010), Ismail Amir-Forbes Kerwin
vxVistA on Cache, James D. Keith
vxVistA Radiology, Cyndi Shields
vxVistA.org — Third Generation, Fabian Lopez
vxVistA.org Presentation – VCM 2011, Fabian Lopez
What is FOIA VistA? — What is Open Source vxVistA?, Deanne Clark-Hugh Creedon
What worked in VistA? How do we do more of it?, Tom Munnecke