9th CTK Hackfest

Hosted by Lawrence Tarbox and Dan Marcus from Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology of the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, the 9th CTK hackfest was again a great success !
CTK hackers at work in the ERL conference room
During the week, the group of international and enthusiastic hackers addressed a large number of topics including DICOM support, CLIs, XNAT and also the CTK build and testing infrastructure.
dcmjs.org – We created dcmjs – A javascript cross-compilation of dcmtk that can be re-used in a HTML5 compliant browser. It allows the analysis and the process of DICOM images directly within the browser. Two demos have been crafted: (1) dcmjs dump to “View the header of a dicom file” and (2) dcmjs view to “View the pixel data of a dicom file”
WG27 – DICOM and Web technology – We discussed with Lawrence Tarbox about the possible direction to consider regarding the support of web technology in DICOM. Some notes and links have been reported here: http://www.commontk.org/index.php/CTK_DICOM_Web_Services
CTK DICOM widgets have been improved to better support the Quantitative Image Informatics for Cancer Research project (QIICR). Details list of improvements is reported here: https://github.com/QIICR/ProjectIssuesAndWiki/wiki/Slicer-Infrastructure-Projects
MedInria integration – In order to fully leverage the CLI framework, CTK has been integrated into the MedInria build system. The CLI plugin was also updated to the latest version of the medInria internal APIs, and preliminary work was done to integrate the CLI framework more natively into the medInria architecture. Checkout the list of frameworks that already integrated the CLI mechanism: http://www.commontk.org/index.php/CLI_In_Context.
SlicerChronicle – A Slicer module that communicates with Chronicle has been prototyped. Chronicle is a scalable, distributed, standards-based database to support detailed descriptions of patient state and treatment scenarios in support of multi-system modelling. See https://github.com/pieper/SlicerChronicle
CTK XNAT support has been extended and improved to fully leverage qRestAPI library capabilities. qRestAPI is simple Qt library allowing to synchronously or asynchronously query a REST server. Improvements include support for addition of new subjects, folders and data, as well as saving changed objects back to the XNAT server. Further, access to assessments, reports and forms was improved/added.
CTK infrastructure
Qt5 support – User pull requests updating both CTK and PythonQt have been consolidated and reviewed. In the coming weeks, corresponding work will be finalized and integrated into CTK.
Back to “regular” CDash layout – When establishing the CTK infrastructure, we initially chose to “hijack” the capabilities of CDash to support subprojects to display build and test results of CTK internal libraries as subprojects. While the initial idea was ambitious, it complexified the underlying infrastructure and make the review of submissions more difficult. We decided to revert to a more traditional layout and present result on a single consolidated page.
TravisCI – Work has been done to leverage the continuous integration platform TravisCI, when integrated. Every integration to CTK master branch will trigger a build and associated build and testing results will be uploaded to CDash.
CTK Debian package – We continue our effort to provide CTK packages on Debian based linux distribution. Details reported here: http://www.commontk.org/index.php/Debian_Packaging
Bug tracker – We reviewed the long standing issues and closed the one which were not relevant any more.
Well deserved break sightseeing the St Louis arch.
This post was collaboratively edited and reviewed by the CTK hackers.