2014 NA-MIC Project Week Contest: Tutorial for 3D Slicer

The NA-MIC Summer Project Week took place from June 23 to June 27, 2014. Hosted at MIT, the project week provided participants with hands on open-source programming activities using the NA-MIC Kit.
As part of the project week, the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC) community hosted a tutorial contest. The winning tutorial was selected based on the criteria that it introduced a method that has been contributed to 3D Slicer and that it effectively showed others how to apply the new method to medical image analysis.
This year’s winner was the “Cardia Agatston Scoring Tutorial” by Jessica Forbes and Hans Johnson. The winners will receive a $250 award, which is sponsored by Kitware.
The slides from the winning tutorial can be found online. In addition, the slides and demonstration data for the tutorial will be added to the extensive set of tutorials already available for Slicer.
Congratulations Jessica and Hans!